Types of hairstyles and their classification

The correct hairstyle can dramatically change the way you look and give you more self-assurance. Selecting the style that best fits you can be overwhelming due to the abundance of options available. Every hairstyle has its own distinct charm and appeal, ranging from timeless cuts to stylish, contemporary looks.

Making an informed choice can be aided by knowing the various hairstyle categories and styles. Finding the ideal fit for your face shape, hair texture, and personal style can be aided by understanding the fundamentals, regardless of whether you’re looking for a bold or low-maintenance style.

This post will examine several hairstyles, dissecting their essential elements and what makes each unique. This guide will help you see more clearly what can be done with your hair, whether you’re thinking about getting a new haircut or you’re just interested in what styles are out there.

Hairstyle Type Description
Updo Hair is styled up and secured, often used for formal occasions. Examples include buns and chignons.
Down Hair is worn loose and down, which can be styled straight, wavy, or curly.
Half-Up A combination of up and down styles where the top half of the hair is pulled up while the bottom half is left down.
Braid Hair is woven together in patterns, such as French braids, Dutch braids, and fishtail braids.
Ponytail Hair is gathered and secured at the back of the head with a hair tie, allowing the rest of the hair to hang freely.
Short Hair cut to shorter lengths, including styles like pixie cuts and bobs.
Long Hair that extends well past the shoulders, often styled with layers or curls.
Textured Hair with added texture, achieved through curling, waves, or layering for a fuller look.

History of hairstyles

A hairstyle is a way that hair is shaped through coloring, curling, cutting, or styling. The first signs were seen among the primitives, who, in contrast to popular opinion, were not barbarians with long, shaggy hair. The earliest combs were evident even then, as evidenced by numerous excavations, and the strands were either braided or fastened with straps and laces.

The ancient Egyptians made a significant contribution to the development since they were already wearing wigs of varying lengths. Egyptian women used tassels to adorn their hair ends, and occasionally they used sticks and mud to curl them.

Ideas about trendy hairstyles changed as epochs shifted against one another. For instance, long curls became popular with the introduction of the term and the subsequent "Borroco" artistic movement. Simultaneously, voluminous steam-curled hair wigs surfaced. Subsequently, choices with significant names like "mane," "cloud," "poodle," and "fontange" became popular.

Classification of hairstyles

Gender is the first and most obvious classification. This category comprises three types:

Everything about males and females is obvious: certain hairstyles are exclusive to men or women. Unisex: universal, fit for people of all genders. For instance, an undercut haircut with elongated strands on the crown and short-shaven sides and back of the head can be considered unisex.

Hairstyle types according to hair direction:

  • reverse. Represent hair combed from the forehead to occiput;

  • falling or acentral. In this case, the curls are laid from the crown in the direction of their growth, that is, from the center in different directions;

  • concentrated. The opposite of the falling type, when the strands are laid from the sides to the center – the crown, as, for example, when creating a high ponytail;

  • front – all the hair is combed to the crown.

Differentiated by purpose, there are two types:


Usually doable for any woman, and practical. Everyday have their own classification within their subspecies and are separated into:

  • evening – such hairstyles complement the image for going to a restaurant, a celebration, a dinner;
  • everyday – suitable for everyday wear, unpretentious in care, have a simple structure.


Dazzling or competitive—tough to pull off and wholly unworkable in terms of daily attire. used for acting or artistic performances, as well as for competitions to showcase the master’s abilities.

An age-based classification is also available:

  • teenage. Aimed at children under 16-18 years old. Usually distinguished by calmness, laconicism, which makes them suitable for attending educational institutions. It is not recommended to dye your hair before the age of 14, since at this age the formation of various body systems is still taking place;
  • youth. Category of girls and men from 18 to 30-35 years old. Youth haircuts are usually bold, stylish. For example, haircuts with shaved temples, pixie, different coloring options, including coloring, are popular;
  • adults. For people from 35 years and older – calm, not flashy, suitable for a business image.

Naturally, age is a very conditional classification; age is becoming less and less of a barrier, so age is not the only factor to consider.

Methods of creating hairstyles

Understanding the methods used to achieve this result is not superfluous, as a hairstyle is a general term for the outcome of various manipulations with the shape of the hair.

There are five ways to style your hair:

  1. Haircut;
  2. Styling;
  3. Curling;
  4. Coloring;
  5. Braids and other types of interweaving.

Thinning is highlighted separately in some sources, but this is more of a style of haircut than a stand-alone approach to image creation.


A haircut is a specific cut made to the hair. The length, gender, and intended outcome are taken into consideration when choosing the haircut technology.

Hairstyles consist of:

  • contrasting. Haircuts with sharp transitions in length. Hair in different parts of the head is shortened differently, allowing a girl or a man to radically change their appearance;
  • non-contrasting. More calm, with smooth transitions and without sharp jumps in length in different sectors of the head.

Additionally, there are two kinds of haircuts based on the characteristics of the procedure:

Additionally, model haircuts are divided internally into:

  • basic – a haircut performed in accordance with the technique – if it is a bob, then the hair is cut exactly as required by the scheme;
  • modeling haircuts – this is a correction of the basic haircut taking into account the features of the client"s appearance;
  • combined – combine several basic haircuts.

The hairstylist does the following while cutting your hair:

  • hair reduction – gradual reduction of length, in which at the end point the hair has a minimum length;
  • thinning – giving strands lightness and volume by thinning strands with special thinning scissors;
  • edging – processing the ends of the hair in order to create a straight line;
  • graduation – cutting at an acute or obtuse angle to create different transitions in length;
  • finger cutting – cutting hair above the level clamped between the hairdresser"s fingers.

The following are used in the haircutting process, depending on the desired outcome, the stage of the haircut, and the master’s skills:

  • straight scissors;
  • thinning scissors;
  • razors;
  • electric clippers.

You can also use different kinds of combs, clamps, and other tools to get the desired hairstyle.


Giving them the desired direction with specific styling tools and products is known as hair styling.

Styles include:

  • cold – with a comb, hands;
  • air – with a hair dryer or brush;
  • hot – with tongs, curling irons, flat irons;
  • combined – combining several other types.

The following are applied based on the styling method selected:

  • curlers;
  • curling irons;
  • straighteners;
  • different types of combs;
  • hair dryers and hair dryer brushes.

You can style your hair at home with makeshift materials; curling irons and other styling tools are not necessary to achieve a variety of curls. Depending on the complexity of the process and the desired outcome, clamps, hairpins, elastic bands, and other accessories may also be used during the creation process.


Here, we’re talking about long-term hair curling with the aid of specific chemical compounds rather than curling hair with a curling iron. One method for getting curly hair is perm curling, where a composition based on thioorganic compounds affects the hair strands.

To curl, make the following preparations:

  • alkaline;
  • acidic;
  • acid-balanced.

Acids, alkalis, and other substances such as urotropine, methylcellulose, and ammonia alter the structure of the hair shaft, which in turn facilitates the movement of keratin bonds and alters the curl’s shape.

Furthermore, there are two ways to get a perm:

  • direct. The chemical composition is applied to clean, dry hair, after which the strands are wound on curlers;

In hairdressing, curlers are tiny sticks with holes made of wood or plastic that are used to create tiny curls.

  • indirect. Clean, damp hair is wound on curlers and only then treated with the composition.

A perm-created hairstyle can last anywhere from 1.5 to 6 months, depending on the technology’s compliance, the compositions used, and the state of the hair shafts.


To change the color of the curls, hair coloring involves applying special compounds that either alter or substitute the natural pigment with an artificial one.

Included in hair coloring are:

  • toning – giving hair a shade or refreshing the color, returning it to saturation and depth;
  • coloring – giving individual locks or all hair a bright color;
  • dyeing – a classic coloring procedure with oxidation of natural pigment;
  • lightening – a procedure for giving hair a shade lighter than the original;
  • bleaching – complete removal of pigment from the hair shaft;
  • highlighting – lightening or bleaching of some strands.

One of the most popular techniques is dying because it gives you a permanent change and the ability to drastically alter your appearance.

Check out our coloring guide for the most recent methods and color schemes, advice on how to prepare for and care for procedures, and a friendly reminder for clients:


Braids and pigtails are hairstyles that involve weaving strands together. Braids can be woven in many different ways, but the most fundamental ones involve weaving three strands together. The central strand is alternately entwined with the side strands in this instance.

Braids with 2, 4, 5, and even 7 strands have also been seen in the process of repurposing braids to create hairstyles, but all of the patterns are based on the guidelines of traditional three-strand weaving. Knots are also used in addition to braids; one common hairstyle is called "Waterfall," which is created using knots.

Additional hairpins, elastic bands, and synthetic strands called kanekalons are frequently used as accessories for hairstyles derived from braids. In addition to adding length and volume, bright colored hair can help create a remarkable, daring youth hairstyle.

What a hairstyle consists of

Every hairstyle is composed of various components that together form a specific hair form.


Divorce may be:

  • straight – a traditional parting, the line of which runs straight from the middle of the forehead to the highest point on the crown and divides all the hair into two equal parts;
  • straight side – also has no bends, but divides the hair into unequal parts, since it does not start from the middle of the forehead, but on the sides from the center;
  • figured – a differently constructed curved line – zigzag, chess. Also, a figured parting can consist of several straight lines and form a pattern with their help;
  • half-parting – a type of parting that does not reach the highest point of the head.

Other possible partings are:

  • horizontal – the hair is divided by a horizontal line;
  • vertical – accordingly, divided by vertical lines;
  • radial – divides into radial, that is, directed along the radius, strands.


A specific quantity of hair that has been isolated from the bulk is called a strand. The size of the strands is determined by the intended use; for example, small braids require small strands, while curls require large strands.


A curl is a twisted strand that changes shape when exposed to certain compounds or temperatures.


One component of a hairstyle that creates a smooth curve is a wave. Every wave has crowns, or locations where the wave’s direction changes. The width of the crown controls wave size; the bigger the wave, the wider the crown.

Waves vary according to the parting:

  • oblique – at an angle of 45 degrees to the parting;
  • straight – parallel to the parting;
  • transverse – perpendicular to the parting.


Fringe: short front strands that cover the forehead entirely or in part. Bangs come in a wide variety of forms:

  • oblique;
  • straight;
  • asymmetrical;
  • graded;
  • thick;
  • sparse;
  • long;
  • short and other.


Tightly packed strands that add volume are called backcombing. Using a comb with fine teeth, backcombing is typically done inside the hairstyle. Apart from the traditional robust backcombing, there is also a feeble backcombing known as dull backcombing, which occurs when the strands are not pulled down as tightly.


Long, uncut hair in the temple region is known as a sidelock. Although they are not always utilized in contemporary styling, sidelocks are a component of the traditional Jewish hairstyle.


Curled strands are folded into rings to create bouquets. Although it is hardly used today, the term was widely used in the 17th and 18th centuries to describe hairstyles.


There is no discussion of ponytail-inspired hairstyles; does the term "ponytail" not relate to the creation processes?

Of course it does, but since it does not belong in its own category, we will leave the details in the response to the query:

Hair pulled back at the crown or nape of the head and secured with an elastic band or other restraint item is called a ponytail. Ponytails can be a feature of a hairstyle or stand alone as one or more.

Why do some sources refer to various haircuts as different kinds of hairstyles?

The truth is that terminology has become muddled with the emergence of multiple online publications. Different haircuts, such as bobs, pixie cuts, and others, are not hairstyles per se; rather, they are haircut styles.

A hairstyle is a broad term that encompasses styling, coloring, curling, and cutting. Because of this, it is impossible to describe different hairstyles using just one method of creation. Professionally speaking, the classification given in the relevant section of the article is the correct one.

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A variety of hairstyles, from short cuts like pixies to long flowing waves, as well as straight, curly, or braided styles, can be categorized according to their length, texture, and style. This range makes it simple to switch things up and express individuality through hairstyles, enabling everyone to find a look that complements their personality, face shape, and lifestyle.

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We can better understand how hair can express personality and style by investigating various hairstyles and their classifications. Every hairstyle, from traditional cuts to contemporary trends, has a specific function and looks good on a variety of face shapes, hair textures, and personal preferences.

There is a perfect option out there for everyone, whether you’re looking for something more elaborate or something low-maintenance. You may make more unique decisions by being aware of the traits of each type and using that knowledge to your advantage.

In the end, the ideal hairstyle is one that gives you a sense of comfort and confidence. Try a variety of looks to find the one that works best for you; this will boost your confidence as well as your appearance.

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